What risky behaviour is prevalent among pharmacy students at the University of Lagos


  • Aina B A
  • Ewedairo OO


Background: Risky behaviors can take years off a person's life and endanger those around that person. Effec ve health promo on ac on on healthy ea ng, physical ac vity and tobacco control will make the most important contribu ons to reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the global popula on (IUHPE, 2011). A significant propor on of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer would be prevented if the major common risk factors (tobacco, physical inac vity, unhealthy diet) were eliminated. This would save many millions of premature deaths. Pharmacy students are part of the future workforce of health promo on specialists, hence the need to determine their risky behaviors, if any. Purpose: The objec ve of this study was to assess the risky health behavior of pharmacy students of University of Lagos in the area of tobacco, physical ac vity and ea ng habits.


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Cómo citar

B A, A., & OO, E. (2016). What risky behaviour is prevalent among pharmacy students at the University of Lagos. Desafíos, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.ut.edu.co/index.php/desafios/article/view/1070



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