The objective of the study was to determine of the male master volleyball the performance of the type of serve and the effect of the serve in the reception zone. The study was composed by 15 matches of the male master volleyball of the category 35 years or more. The volleyball matches were filmed and after was analyzed with the scout. The significance p and new statistic detected statistical difference of the serve continuity in two comparisons (16.87±8.92 of the overhand float serve versus 3.85±2.28 of the jump power serve, 14.07±6.47 of the jump float serve versus the jump power serve). Other result the significance p and new statistic detected statistical difference of the serve continuity in the reception zone in four comparisons (1.20±0.44 of the zone 2 versus 10.67±3.79 of the zone 5, zone 2 versus 13.67±5.36 of the zone 6, 2.87±3.39 of the zone 3 versus zone 5 and zone 3 versus zone 6). In conclusion, serve performance is important for the volleyball coach guides the player during the training and during the volleyball match.
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