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Formación del talento humano en Salud
Publicado: 2016-10-13

Monitoring Health Inequalities in Canada: Meeting the challenge through collaboration, communication and innovation


Miszkurka Malgorzata

Public Health Agency of Canada


Background: Monitoring of health inequali es demands access to mul ple data sources and surveillance systems that enable disaggrega on by a range of sub-popula on groups. It demands development of innova ve approaches to maximize data use to rou nely provide absolute and rela ve measures of health inequality. These demands challenge the tradi onal epidemiological surveillance systems. Purpose: To describe the process of implemen ng a system to measure and report on health inequali es in Canada while discussing gaps in the current surveillance system specific to health inequali es. Based on lessons learned to date, we will iden fy key considera  ons for undertaking this work.


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Cómo citar

Malgorzata, M. (2016). Monitoring Health Inequalities in Canada: Meeting the challenge through collaboration, communication and innovation. Desafíos, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de