The Right Setting of the Quaternion Calculus


  • Leonardo Solanilla-Chavarro Universidad del Tolima

Palabras clave:

Quaternion and other division algebras, exterior differential systems, harmonic functions.


Quaternionic analysis, it is usual to persist in pointing out to their distinguished
characteristics. It is our aim in this paper, by contrast, to set forth a
natural (i.e. canonical) and rather comprehensive account of the quaternion
calculus. Accordingly, we show that a proper notion of quaternionic derivative
leads to the fundamental integral theorem which generalizes straightforwardly
the better-known complex and real cases.


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Biografía del autor/a

Leonardo Solanilla-Chavarro, Universidad del Tolima

Departamento de Matematicas y Estadıstica, Universidad del Tolima (Ibagu´e-Colombia).Miembro del Grupo de Matematicas del Tolima (Grupo-MaT).


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Cómo citar

Solanilla-Chavarro, L. (2012). The Right Setting of the Quaternion Calculus. Revista Tumbaga, 1(7). Recuperado a partir de



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