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Artículos de investigación
Publicado: 2014-12-12

Identification of some learning strategies through the composition of texts in English

Universidad del Quindio
Instituto Educativa Tecnica Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra


This article shows the results of an investigation about the learning strategies used and reported by first semester students while writing different texts in the BA in English at Universidad del Tolima, semester B of 2009. The main aim is presenting the learning strategies that were caught by the evaluators through the assessment of the compositions.
Two groups of students were the population under study. The aim of the research was to examine the strategies used and reported by the students while writing. Three experts were asked to conduct the students’ samples evaluations. This exercise contributed to the inquiry of the strategies and also yielded results that are useful for teachers to improve the process of writing in the English learners. The methodology of this study included the video-observation of three writing practice sessions, collection of writings produced by the students and their evaluation. The results presented here
showed that students do not always use the strategies they reported. For instance: concept maps, peer corrections, look for information in different sources, etc.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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Cómo citar

Acosta Rubiano, D., & Martínez Granada, L. (2014). Identification of some learning strategies through the composition of texts in English. Revista Perspectivas Educativas, 6. Recuperado a partir de